Upgrade The Most Valuable Software You Own: Your Mind

I’ve witnessed firsthand how it’s transformed my coaching partners, as well, from being plagued with self-doubt to confidently readying themselves to conquer their challenges.

In sixty minutes.

So, that’s what I’ll share with you today.

How can I upgrade my mindset to empower me, instead of hold me back?

Romantic fantasy novels are NOT my thing.

My shelves are filled with books on spirituality, personal development, and leadership. Maybe a book on writing here or there. The only fiction books I have are my favorites from high school. (The Giver and 1984, if you’re curious.)

But when a book went viral on Instagram, and then one of my besties dared me to just read the Amazon sample, I figured I’d give it a shot.

Hooked like a fish.

As I read the wildly popular Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarrow, I wasn’t so much drawn to the dragons and magic. I was drawn to the mindset work that’s embedded in every plot twist.

In one instance, a character tells another:

Whatever you create in your mind is real to you. Shut off the valve. Build a wall. Whatever makes sense.
— Rebecca Yarrow in her book, Fourth Wing

That’s straight up NLP right there, which is the coaching methodology I was trained in.

What we hold in our minds is created by us, but most of the time we aren’t even aware we’re doing it. It may feel like our thoughts happen on autopilot, but we actually have full agency over what we create in our minds.

When we do mindset work, that is exactly what we are doing: molding our thoughts in order to mold our reality.

Here’s how to do it.

Your Mental Software is Outdated

Remarkable as it is, your brain functions like software. And just like software, it requires updates and upgrades to keep running smoothly. Without these vital updates, our mental software can end up:

  • Outdated: We're all susceptible to societal biases and conditioning. Times change, and if we're not on our toes, it can be tricky to keep pace. We might end up with outdated beliefs that no longer serve us or fit the modern world.

  • Inefficient: Bad habits, we've all got them. They're like those pesky unused apps cluttering up your device, slowing it down, and draining the battery. These could be anything from procrastination to negative self-talk, which use up our mental energy and hold us back from performing at our best.

  • Damaging: Along our journeys, we can accidentally download some harmful thought patterns, like malware infecting our system. They can distort our perception of reality, affect our mood, and even impact our physical health.

Thanks, but no thanks.

These are bugs in our mental software, getting in the way of our optimal performance and the quality of life we aspire to have.

And here's the kicker:

The more these bugs get entrenched in our system, the bigger they become and the trickier they are to squash. It's like letting spam pile up in your inbox until one day, you can't find that important email you're looking for.

Continuing to run on janky mental software means you’ll keep hitting the same roadblocks, making the same mistakes, and wondering why you're not making progress.

It’s essential to debug and upgrade regularly for smooth and optimal operation.

Upgrading Your Mental Software

This is where the magic of mindset comes into play. Tuning up your mindset is like hitting 'update' on your brain's software, identifying those bugs and provides the fixes by enabling you to create new, more efficient pathways and habits that propel you towards the life you truly want to live.

To kickstart this mental software upgrade, you need two key ingredients: hope and agency.

  • Hope: The conviction that things can take a turn for the better. It's like the 'check for updates' feature. It keeps you looking forward, anticipating improvements and staying open to possibilities.

  • Agency: The grit to get the ball rolling. It's the 'install now' button that moves you from thinking to doing, from dreaming to creating. It’s the belief that you can make a difference in your life, not a victim.

Together, hope and agency are the dynamic duo that sets the stage for transformation. Once you’ve got both, you're all set to grab the reins of your life and craft the future you've dreamed of.

Here's a sneak peek into how I tackle mindset work in my coaching sessions:

Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are like the 'outdated apps' or 'software glitches' in your brain.

They're beliefs about ourselves and the world that we've accepted as truth, but they're actually holding us back from reaching our full potential. These could be things like "I'm not good enough" or "I'll never succeed."

In my coaching sessions, I work with partners to identify these limiting beliefs. We shine a light on them, understand where they came from, and then begin the process of uninstalling them. We then replace them with new beliefs that serve your goals and align with the life you want to live.

Read this post for more on limiting beliefs.

Resourceful State

Creating a resourceful mental and emotional state is your inner powerhouse of positivity, creativity, and resilience. It's like switching your brain from ‘off’ to 'performance mode'.

In coaching sessions, my partners and I explore strategies to tap into their best resourceful state more often. This could involve mastering the art of positive self-talk, developing problem-solving skills, or finding ways to bounce back from adversity more quickly.

The goal is to equip them with the tools and techniques to access this state whenever they need it, helping them perform at their best no matter what life throws their way.

Read this post for more on mental states.

Remove Obstacles and Interference

Clearing the obstacles that stand in your way can be likened to a detox for your mind.

Life can get messy, and all kinds of things can cloud our mental landscape: stress, distractions, negative influences, you name it. These interferences can clog up our mental space, making it hard to think clearly and focus on what truly matters.

In my work, I work with partners to remove that interference head-on, exploring ways to manage stress, improve focus, and create an environment that supports their overall wellbeing — mental, physical, emotional, and sometimes even spiritual.

Read this post for more on taking on your inner interference.

Taking Mindset Work Into The Real World

Okay, so now what?

Once you’ve upgraded the mental software and tuned up your mindset, you may be wondering how all of that translates to the “real world” where you actually create the life you want to live?

In other words, how does mindset work create more money or a better job or more down time? How does working on your mindset translate to better relationships, even?

I’ll leave you with five concrete action steps you can work on that will help bring your mindset work into your daily life.

Once you have re-worked your limiting beliefs, created shortcuts to your most resourceful state, removed the obstacles in your way, try these on for size:

  • Conversations: Shift your conversations to communicate more effectively and assertively. You may find yourself actively listening, showing empathy, and engaging in meaningful dialogue. You'll be more open-minded and able to see things from various perspectives. This can lead to better relationships, at work and everywhere else.

  • Proposals: Pitching projects or preparing presentations is no longer so daunting, as they are now opportunities. Take your newfound confidence into your important meetings, remaining rooted in your value.

  • Free Time: Instead of mindlessly scrolling through social media or binge-watching TV, engage in activities that nourish your soul and promote growth. Whether it's reading a book, pursuing a hobby, exercising, or spending time in nature, make the most of your down time to give you more fulfillment.

  • Sleep: With a clear and focused mind, your sleep quality improves drastically. Let go of the day's worries, quiet your mind, and drift into a peaceful rest. Waking rested and rejuvenated will enhance your overall productivity and wellbeing.

  • Work Performance: Lastly, your work performance is bound to skyrocket. The transformation in your mindset paves the way for increased productivity, creativity, and resilience. Approach tasks with enthusiasm, tackle challenges head-on, and remain unfazed by setbacks.

Let me know how those go for you. Your upgraded mental software will work wonders, allowing you to show up feeling your best AND do your very best work.

And remember:

Nobody needs to work on their mindset. Not to survive, no. But if you want to thrive, you'll desperately want to.

You got this. ✌️

All the best vibes ✨

Marcella Chamorro
Marcella Chamorro

Now: Mindset performance coach for tech teams. Then: Marketing leader for B2B SaaS. Always: Mental health advocate.


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