On Potential: From Sinking In Quicksand To Catching Lightning In A Bottle

The time has come: it’s Mental Health Awareness month!

Carl Jung once said: “People will do anything, no matter how absurd, to avoid facing their own souls.”

NOT YOU. No-siree-bob. You are here to do your work, and I’m pumped to do it alongside you.

Mental health is particularly top of mind, as I see how my work is helping build a better future for my coaching partners. Major gratitude vibes this morning.

At the same time, I'm riding my own emotional rollercoaster while starting my business. It's almost an experiment in human behavior—I'm staying curious about how I react to each step.

It's crazy how life can change in a snap. One second you're not even thinking about something, and then—boom!—a whole new world of possibilities unfolds right in front of you.

This got me wondering how much better our lives could get from one moment to another. Because so much of it comes down to us taking action to make things better, it made me think about human potential and how we might not even realize what we're truly capable of.

Sometimes you just don't know what you don't know.

Which leads me to this week's topic...

How can I discover and step into my true (untapped) potential?

A while ago, my hubby and I got invited to an event where we'd work on our marriage alongside other couples.

I ended up crying, and it had nothing to do with my marriage.

We were asked to divide a paper into four parts, each representing a different stage of our lives: early childhood, early adolescence, early adult years, and recent adult years.

Next, we had to write down the memorable moments in each stage: the highs, the lows, and the people who made an impact on us, whether good or bad.

That's when the waterworks started.

As I thought about all the positive influences in my life, I was amazed by how many people I could list.

And there was a surprising common thread to all of them: they all saw the potential in me.

They believed I could do anything—and helped me believe it too. It wasn't just their faith in me; they also pushed me to be even better.

This sudden realization hit me hard, and I felt incredibly grateful for all those amazing people in my life.

Our chief want in life is somebody who will make us do what we can.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Why would this make me cry?

Well, this concept—potential—is kind of magical, elusive, and powerful. And realizing how much more I could do and be shaped my entire life.

It could do the same for you. Here’s how.

What is potential?

The word “potential” is murky, hard to define. Here’s what it means to me:

Your potential is all about those hidden talents, abilities, and room for growth you have. It's about finding and using your unique skills and strengths to achieve happiness, success, and a sense of fulfillment in life.

Basically, it's the idea that we all have the power to be the best version of ourselves. And the best version of you is even better than you can imagine.

It’s having the ability to better align your actions and daily experience to your values.

Think about it: we all have this "default" future if we don't change anything in our lives. But if we do make changes, what could our new future look like?

Traditionally speaking, there are lots of factors that can help you step into your full potential.

To me, there are only two.

Let’s explore them.

The power couple of potential

Let me share with you these two super important elements that can make a massive difference in our lives. When combined, they create a powerful formula for unlocking your potential and achieving personal success:

Believing you can

The first element is all about believing in yourself. It's the foundation for everything else – if you don't have faith in your abilities, it's tough to make progress.

For me, my confidence mostly comes from my dad's incredibly strong (and maybe even a bit over-the-top) belief that I could be whatever I wanted to be. His unwavering support helped shape my mindset from an early age, teaching me the importance of self-belief.

Now, think about it: who in your life believes in you more than you believe in yourself?

These people might be family members, friends, or even teachers or mentors. It's amazing when you realize how much those people's faith can boost your own self-confidence. Their belief in you can act as a catalyst for your personal growth, pushing you to explore new opportunities and take risks you might not have considered otherwise.

(Side note: I use a framework to overcome limiting beliefs. You can get access to a worksheet that explains it and guides you through it when you refer three friends to the newsie.)

Doing what you can

The second element is taking all that belief and turning it into doing something about it.

Taking action.

Our potential is one thing. What we do with it is quite another.
— Angela Duckworth

Effort and work are the path. There’s no way around them.

Sometimes, we can’t muster the willpower to start doing on our own. In that case, it’s crucial to find someone who pushes you to do your absolute best and keeps you accountable for your actions.

This person might be a mentor, coach, or even a friend or family member who shares your aspirations.

Ask yourself: who's that person in your life who makes sure you're always aiming high and reaching for the stars?

I’ve been lucky enough to have a few of those people in my life growing up and in a few jobs, but now I’m finding my potential-builders in a different way.

I’ve worked with a great coach before, and I’m also starting to work with a new coach, with the intention to help me break through my own perceived limits.

With their guidance, I'm learning how to set ambitious yet achievable goals, develop better habits, and stay disciplined in pursuing my objectives. They're making sure I'm always acting as my best self, even when the going gets tough.

There you have it

These two essential elements – believing in yourself and actually putting in the effort – can genuinely transform your life for the better. The key is finding the perfect blend of self-belief and action, which will help you overcome obstacles and move closer to your goals.

If you can’t muster the belief on your own, tap into other people. Surround yourself with people who support and inspire you.

Then, make a conscious effort to cultivate a positive mindset. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, and never forget that setbacks are just temporary roadblocks on your journey to success. Keep pushing forward, and you'll be amazed at what you can achieve.

It’s not easy, but I’m doing this myself on the daily. I’m practicing what I preach and pushing myself to believe there’s more for me out there and then putting in the reps to build toward that better future.

No default future for me. What about you?

People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.
— Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

We all have light inside of us, but it’s our job to keep it lit no matter what.

Discovering your own untapped potential isn’t a one-and-done thang.

I’ll leave you with some questions you may want to sit with and think through at your leisure:

  • Who in your life has helped you feel and build your potential—as a child, adolescent, adult?

  • What activities or tasks make you lose track of time because you're so absorbed in them?

  • Are there any skills or talents that people often compliment you on, but you don't really give yourself enough credit for? (They might seem small to you, but they mean a lot to others.)

  • When things get tough or you face challenges, how do you usually bounce back? What inner strengths do you rely on?

  • Who are the role models or mentors that inspire you? What qualities do they have that you'd like to develop in yourself?

  • Picture your most successful and fulfilled self. What skills, traits, or abilities do you have, and how can you start working on them now?

I hope these questions get your brain buzzing and, before you know it, kick your actions into high gear.

You got this. ✌️

All the best vibes ✨

Marcella Chamorro

Now: Mindset performance coach for tech teams. Then: Marketing leader for B2B SaaS. Always: Mental health advocate.


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